Holiday Inspired Pumpkin Hummus

I have a friend from Lebanon, the homeland of hummus who thinks Americans are just crazy for making every flavor under the sun of what should be a traditional appetizer. I told her we have a real love affair with hummus here and it's friendly to all people whether they are omnivores , vegetarians , vegans or even gluten intolerant. Everybody loves hummus and everybody really loves my pumpkin humus!
I often am lured into the convenience of store bought versions but making hummus is as easy as making a smoothie. If you look at my ingredients you will notice that canned ingredients can be 15-16 ounces and may wonder why. Cans used to be 16 ounces and now you get the same size can with either 15 or 15.5 ounces inside. Can sizes are going through a transition. Either way its will be delicious. I promise. Remember that using organic ingredients wherever possible does make a difference!
1 cup or half of a 15 -16 oz can of pumpkin puree.
15-16 oz can chickpeas
1/4 c tahini
juice of 2 whole lemon
3-4 T water
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
4 T real maple syrup-darker is better
1 T olive oil
2 T pepitas or shelled pumpkin seeds
1/4 t cayenne pepper
Himalayan salt to taste
fresh ground nutmeg garnish
Adding ingredients to your high speed blender in increments below may seem a little tedious. Do the exact order and the results are worth it to make an extra smooth hummus.
lemon and tahini -pulse till smooth about 30-60 seconds
then add 3T water
mix again
add maple syrup
mix again
add chickpeas, cinnamon, cayenne mix well
add pumpkin
add salt to taste and mix very well
Finishing touches
Serve in a favorite bowl
swirl top with drizzled oilive oil and remaining maple syrup,
dust with nutmeg
toss pumpkin seeds on top
Serve with pita bread slices or rainbow carrots & gluten free crackers