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Love Notes & Testimonials
Bellydance students express gratitude to their teacher Najia

Take this as a compliment,the highest anyone could get from me: You are a madwoman. Your reach extends far beyond your skin and you positively buzz with a wildness that feels very ancient and very young at the same time."


 -Love Liana Mancini

bellydance on Zoom

"It is a pleasure and a privilege learning from you.Your direct feedback during the class is most appreciated and is not something I am able to get from other online classes. Additionally your energy is peaceful, calming and exquisitely beautiful and I do feel like I am tapping into my feminine goddess self when working with you. Let me say your class is the highlight of my day - thank you for letting me be part of this! "

~ Rachel S. from Exton PA ~studies on Zoom

bellydance lessons

There are many ideal qualities a student looks for in a teacher. Especially when the student is seeking guidance in an art, like music or dance that is infused with personal creativity. Talent and knowledge are necessary criteria; along with patience, respect, and a positive attitude. One often overlooked quality is the teacher’s ability to be supportive. Some teachers only offer support conditionally. Once a high level of skill is attained by the student, they often become distant and protective of their knowledge. A teacher who is secure enough to mentor a student to the point of becoming a colleague is extremely hard to find. My bellydance teacher, Najia, has been more supportive than I would have ever expected...........

......... Najia has helped me in other ways too numerous to mention here. I am eternally grateful. Without her unprecedented support I never would have been able to achieve what I have in dance. I probably would have quit years ago. Her encouragement has seen me through the stages of student, performer and teacher. She has exceeded her role as a teacher by becoming a mentor, friend, and sister. It is nearly impossible to find a dancer who will share their secrets. When someone does, she must be reciprocated with a level of loyalty and respect rarely practiced today. Najia has also taught me so much more than how to be a bellydancer. She has taught me that supporting someone to reach their dreams is just as important as showing them how to do it.


Jenny -originally from Media

Jenny, studied with Najia in her Mainline and Philadelphia locations, and semi private lessons in her troupe class. Jenny and Najia balance swords for their SPLURGE television reality show. Jenny's splurge in bellydance lessons transformed her life in ways she never dreamed of.

Last night's class was amazing! I loved how you opened up with the chakras. Since March 2020, I have been working from home on my computer on video calls all day. The movement opened me up and made me feel light, free, open and sexy. I connected with my body in a way I have missed so much. You have such a gift breaking it down. Being 1/2 Persian, I have danced for years but somehow lost my way. You are bringing me back to a part of me that I missed so much. Thank you for sharing your gift. You shine light.


I also want to say, thank you for sharing you are fragile right now. When you said you gained 25 lbs, that hit home. Me too, exactly 25!....... When I put on my clothes for class I felt heavy. After only a few minutes of class, I let go and felt amazing. I think many of us are fragile with the pandemic so know you are not alone. You look like a goddess to me and shine light. That’s what I see in the video. Our bodies right now are just a temporary state of all we have been through. We are powerful women and will get in the other side dancing 💃 our way through.

~ Sheila Lindsey from Landenberg PA after taking her first Zoom bellydance class with Najia 

bellydance lessons

Dear Najia,


I love your teaching style. You not only go in depth technically, but also bring energetic & spiritual aspects. Great cultural history, and background on why certain movements are done a particular way. The class sisterhood is inviting. Your commitment & passion is so very influencing. .......... Truth!! Pure beauty, compassion & strength. A fabulous multi talented teacher/artist; she encourages & guides us to access the confident wise woman within. ....

 Thank you for one of the best classes last night & sharing your energy/wisdom.  It was very healing for me.  As time was drawing near, I now realize old cellular memories were resurfacing.  ............. You telling the story about your mom made me realize that.  I love you bunches.  You bring joy & "heartfelt" love to many.  Going forward w/ a open & receptive heart

❤️❤️❤️❤️ Xxoo Zoe 

Thank You Najia for the lesson today.  It was very healing for me.  I feel a shift & am most grateful.  You work & teaching is outstanding on many levels

~Zoe B. from Conshohocken, PA


I started Najia’s belly dancing classes in 2002, and since the very first moment meeting her, she left a deep impression on me. She is a multi-layered teacher, and a force of nature in this industry. Her classes are quite an ethereal experience. With her calming and welcoming presence, she guides her students to tap into their own essence through the unforgettable music and movements, while encouraging us to embrace our own expression of dance. She is like a moving, flowing poem! After 22 years, I will never forget the specks of gold that she has shared with me through her teaching. What a generous, humble, talented, creative, caring and intuitive teacher <3 Jen Faden

bellydance lessons

My life would have not been the same had I not begun classes with you 2 years ago. I have met the most incredible people , seen the most beautiful dancers, watch shy women emerge confident and powerful. I have opened to experiences I didn't know I was waiting for. I have seen you grow too, through happiness and hardship. I have felt your energy settle into calm, deep waters. I am grateful to you for being as open and giving as you are. and for accepting me as I am 

. I will miss you an awful lot but I will carry you with me too.

With love,


from Wilmington, DE (before she moved to Canada)

bellydance lessons

Taking ( Zoom Bellydancing ) class with Najia has been one of the best things I have done. It never fails that if I’m having an off day that taking class with her could turn the energy into something positive. She’s truly and energy shifter with her dance. It has been a privilege to learn the art of Bellydance from her.

~ Kathryn Rose from Ohio


I've been taking classes with Najia since January 2011, and I love going. It fits perfectly into my schedule and is an excellent way to add something extra to your weekly routine (not to mention great for the waistline!) She uses a  holistic approach to learning belly dance. You learn the steps and techniques, but also how to listen to the music, add in artistry, and about the different cultures the dance comes from. You get not only a wonderful workout, but a lesson in culture and the evolution of an art form. Highly recommended!

~ Kathryn Rose wrote on Yelp when she took belly dance classes from me in Media, PA 


"Kathryn Rose  was originally taking classes with Najia when she lived in Philadelphia but now that she moved to New York she takes Najia's online workshops. She was one of the first students to graduate 2 of Najia's Certification programs with honors"

Thank you Najia so much for participating in our 2017 Leadership Conference for Women in the Arts at Moore College of Art & Design! The day was a huge success, with nearly 200 attendees…..I look forward to working with you again in the future!


Your conference session feedback for Goddess Dance  is below:

*Amazing interactive!

*Very fun decorations, I got to dance and I liked it.

*Helped me learn to let go. 

*So much fun!

*This class was awesome. It helped me get a break from my thoughts, connect with myself, and my energy and loosen up. Thanks!

*Very inspirational! Moving my body to release stress was fun and relief.

*So much fun! Learned a lot and felt empowered!

*I’m glad I took this because I figured out how to harness my inner goddess (leader) through the body and soul. It gave me another perspective on body language.

*I liked her! I was put out of my comfort zone. 


~ Emily Johnson  |  Assistant Dean of Students   Moor College of Art and Design 

bellydance lessons

This lovely person, Najia Bellydance. A little over a year ago I signed up for Belly Dance lessons. (my Mom and us girls used to clean the house to belly dance music and dance when I was a kid) I went to class....I enjoyed it. I have no great any means as a dancer.....but Najia always encouraged me to be a goddess. We talked, became friends. I had tough times, she had tough times.... I haven't always been able to do classes. I got to know her and her Mom and her friends. I tried new things such as vegan food. This woman is an artist, a photographer, a great friend, a great daughter, a dancer a teacher, a chef..... She does everything with kindness and grace. 

Maureen K.-C.from Folcroft, PA came to Najia's bellydance classes in Havertown and Media, PA

bellydance lessons

Najia is a tremendous spiritual dance teacher. After speaking with her over the phone, I had an instant connection and decided to take her class. 

Since I have significant experience in Tibetan practices and rituals, I know that sounds and rhythms are more powerful than most people think. What Najia teaches is not a traditional workout but rather a more holistic and comprehensive walking meditation..............After four months of classes, not only did I open my sacral chakra but I also was inspired by many new concepts and ideas about being vegan and compassionate. It was a welcomed conduit into learning about eastern cultural norms and the eternal beauty it represents for us all, regardless of one’s normative cultural influences. Quite simply, this form of eastern dance will allow for a change of heart and mind—and provide opportunities to embrace unchartered territory. Let's pray and dance for peace and love!

Kaili.aka. Soph from Wilmington, DE took private lessons with Najia in Drexel Hill, PA and studied on dance with Najia on Zoom 

bellydance lessons

The most intense, ground-breaking private lessons that quantum -leaped my bellydancing. Najia's musical technique finally allowed me to access the feeling of dancing from the inside instead of moving just my body. My dance completely changed in just an hour but it continues to evolve at such a high level this last month. I am so grateful to her at this point in my life and this far into my dance career that I can learn something so wonderful.

Dalya Amira, performer and teacher from Doylestown, PA.


Dalya has been studying bellydance  with Najia since she taught at Boat House Row in Philadelpha decades ago .She comes on a regular basis to enrich her life with private lessons .she has starred in a number of gala Najia productions  and shared the stage with great headlines such as Sahra Saeeda, Aszmara , Delila, Jehan, and Elena Lentini.she is a regular performer at Najia's monthly Red Tent Goddess Night


bellydance lessons

"I feel that American's don't understand how unsurpassable, how unparalleled Najia's dance and teaching are, and I'm making a distinction here. Her work as a dancer and a performer is as excellent as her teaching. Education is my metier and I know what I'm talking about.

I am also from the Middle East and there we breath belly dancing. It's everyday life and we know it as well as Americans know jazz. In 2003 I was living in Beirut, a Middle Eastern mecca of art and beauty, desperately looking for someone who could teach me belly dancing. It was a hard call and I was finally very fortunate to find a world class artist who was willing to help me. For years I used to compare all my dance teachers to her, but now I compare everyone to Najia.

It is very difficult for me to fathom that Najia is not from the Arab world, that she doesn't have oriental dance in her blood. I think it's because she has it in her soul.”

Video interview from Farnaz Perry ~ professor at Swarthmore and Bryn Mawr and loves taking bellydance classes with Najia in Media, PA 


bellydance lessons

Najia is changing my life! I’d been feeling a sense of disconnection from my body, and my spirit kept nudging me towards dance. I wasn’t sure where to start, but I’d taken a few bellydance classes almost 20 years ago and thought it might be fun to try again. I experimented with a class at a local dance studio, but it felt a bit mechanical and impersonal. I found Najia’s website, and her philosophy resonated with me on a deep level. I decided to schedule a private lesson, and it only took one session to convince me that she was going to be someone very special in my life.


My lessons with Najia are absolutely magical. She has a gift for sensing energy, and in our very first session she helped to identify and untangle feelings I’d been struggling with just from reading my body. She was able to “see” what I needed, and showed me ways of moving and being in my physical form that have been utterly transformative. Najia teaches you to feel and work with chakra energy, and while I was familiar with the concept from years of yoga practice, I’ve never experienced it like this before. I’ve literally felt my heart open and let in joy that I didn’t know I was missing!



I am so grateful to have found Najia. Not only am I learning to dance, I’m learning to feel, breathe and inhabit my body in a beautiful way. As someone who has always tended to live in my head, it’s been a breathtaking change. I can’t wait to see where the journey takes me.

~Leslie from Ardmore, PA has taken private lessons in bellydance and sensual chakras in Highland Park, PA 

bellydance lessons

Last Mother's Day Alyssa thoughtfully posted this on Facebook 


"Najia you have given me more than just the dance. you have opened my eyes to a world of endless possibilities and love. Through you I have accessed my strength, my femininity, my source, my creativity, and myself. I have become whole and that has helped me in every aspect of my life. Thank you Najia!"

Alyssa from New Jersey studied bellydance with Najia in her Ardmore, PA studio as well as Highland Park .

Alyssa studied with me privately on a regular basis .She also enrolled in my personal Certification program and became an accomplished artist. She also enrolled in other certifications I produced with Sahra Saeeda She shad the opportunity to share  with Sahra in our exclusive Cairo Certifications .The other performers asked if she was my daughter as she looked so much like a younger version of myself and dance like me . I was so proud of her and so honored to teach a beautiful soul.

bellydance lessons
  • I first started studying belly dance with Najia in January 2010 and after the first class I was hooked!  I was a little nervous to start since I had never taken a dance class before, but Najia's warmth and ability to teach to a wide range of levels put me at ease immediately.  Your fellow dancers are always just as fun as the teacher and every class is a joy!  Najia's approach and knowledge of so many different styles of belly dance help you to grow as a dancer in leaps and bounds and means there is never a dull moment in class.  Plus, it never hurts to embrace your Inner Goddess on a regular basis...  :-) 

       Meredith R. from Wilmington DE

bellydance lessons

Thank you for having me Najia Bellydance, it's always a pleasure to come to your events! …... I thoroughly enjoyed ever minute of the Red Tent. When women come together on love and support and joy, the energy is truly powerful…….The energy in that room was amazing and I just let it take me, you taught me that!:) It was a truly wonderful night, the performers were incredible and a credit to your special brand of teaching which is to unlock the creative and inner goddess:)


Several years ago I joined Najia's classes at a tumultous period in my life, and I credit the art of Bellydance for helping me find balance, peace, and an avenue of creative outlet and expression. I love to dance and I've found that learning with Najia has helped me to blossom and tap into my inner rythms, and I'm really enjoying this journey.

from Natasha in North East Philadelphia

Wow…. Just wow.

I am so glad I took this leap of faith. ….. It was a spiritual experience and my mind opened up to a totally different level. I was told new people will join me on my new journey to help me grow. This is one of those things. Najia, I was so mentally engrossed in that class last night. I’m so grateful for this experience. Your light and energy was exactly what I needed. Thank you🙏🏻


I can’t express the true experience I had. It was exactly what I needed and more challenging than I expected. I am so happy I did this. You are very VERY TALENTED 


My journey felt stagnant until last night. Today I feel such renewed faith and growth. I think we just got so deep into body parts I let go of things that were deeply hidden. My weight loss has given me renewed confidence but that gave me sexiness I thought was gone🤸🏼‍♀️👯‍♀️ I was in an alter ego almost like who am I right now . I can’t explain this journey but…. I hit the right place at the right time for my new steps. You rejuvenated me. 

~ Thalia  from Toronto, Canada sent me this text after taking her first hour of bellydance class on Zoom 

bellydance lessons

You’ve been a light for me. Endless thanks Najia. I’m blessed to have met you. You helped me align with a frequency I was not aware existed for me.Now when I’m out and about and I start to feel anxious, I remind myself to tune into love. I remind myself that I’m sensitive and can pick up on mood around me. When I realize this I say to myself “Maura you are tuning into fear, the abundant vibration but you can choose differently” and the I do! I choose differently! I choose love.I also honor myself and my boundaries more now tooooo!!! It’s great!

M. from Queens NYC


Words can not Express the gratitude I have for allowing najia to be my teacher and friend. Her expertise in teaching bellydance with kindness,compassion and humor have become the highlight of my week I highly recommend taking a class with her

~ Joan has taken bellydancing from Najia for over a decade . She has traveled with me through multiple locations over the years from the two Havertown studios, to Ardmore and Media and she now takes her dance classes on Zoom 

" Najia has been one of my biggest inspirations in dance ever since I started taking classes from her at age 14. Not only is she a beautiful dancer, she is one of the kindest people I have ever known. Her nurturing spirit, talent for dance, and never ending support has helped me to become the professional dancer I always dreamed of being. Her willingness to share her knowledge and to fully encourage and support her students makes her one of the best teachers you could ever hope for. "


~ Sharazade ~ world famous dancer now residing in Egypt


Najia is truly a mystical being… when she enters into the realm of dance, she enters a meditative space of grace and movement, and she has the ability to take us all with her !

~ Amira Dvorah is a gifted artist and musician . She has played guitar and flute for so many of our magical Red Tent Goddess Nights. She is now a regular attendee at our vegan potluck events .We use the music from her cd's every night in class .This cd is the most gorgeous cd ever ! Its opens to a display of her hand painted musical guitars .To purchase music as a download search the title"Clear Moon on still waters " or text (610) 585-0385 for a cd .

bellydance lessons

There are few people who I feel truly lucky to have met, and Najia is absolutely one of those people. She is a wonderful person and teacher who breaks down the essence of belly dancing and teaches it as an art and form of exercise. I love that she also encourages her students to explore the history and traditions of belly dancing, making her class a cultural experience. I recommend taking classes with her to anyone (beginner-advanced) who is interested in belly dancing!...

Z.L. from Philadelphia (originally from Jordan of Middle Eastern descent) took belly dance classes in Media, PA 

bellydance lessons

Feeling grateful today for my bellydance teacher Najia Arts. Thank you for planting the concept of beauty in me, five and a half years ago. For embodying beauty, and reminding your students of its power, every single class. Beauty in our movement, beauty in our words. Sometimes, in my dance, I get a very acute sense of that beauty. I feel beautiful, and it brings a smile to my face. It may only last for a few seconds. But it's enough time to feel its power. To feel a sense of confidence that I, too, can embody beauty. That I, too, can choose to spread it. With the simple power of that same smile.

France P. Havertown PA - originally posted on Facebook

Have you ever encountered an Earth Angel?.. one that seems to know just what you need and just when you need it?.. One that reaches out and offers that which makes all the difference?.. 

I have. Her name is Najia. Every time I interact with her my life changes for the better.. in a big way! God speaks to me thru Najia. And I've learned to listen! 

Denise Elizabeth Media, PA 


Najia is the best teacher - belly dancing is her medium - her inspiring and kind heart make her even more beautiful -❤️

Jacquie from Radnor PA wrote on Facebook 

~ Jacqueline Peccina Kelly at first studied belly dance dance privately with Najia. to prepare a custom show.  She kept in touch with her teacher over the years and what was once an anniversary gift  for her husband, led to an incredible friendship. Jacquie is like the sister I have always wanted 

bellydance lessons

Hi my name is Amar dance name. But just to say that Najia is the best. She has taught me for over 6 years and she has brought in many teachers from around the country and the world. Her classes are fantastic! You feel the burn the next day and the more you practice the better you get a......... in a short time I could dance like a 20 year old. ....................... I have lost over 50 pounds. She is worth every penny. And the best part of her classes are the Goddess Nights. When you dress up and some of the students dance it's a magical night. Come and join us. Najia knows all of us students on first name basis. Especially our new comers. You are not a face in the crowd or a dollare sign. You are welcomed with love and kindness. And we as students are always there for you. Gale


Gale (Amar) from Broomall, PA 


mermaid spiritual retreat

I signed up in January to be pampered on a  weekend long woman's retreat with my dear friend Najia which she hosts for women in Cape May NJ, on summer weekends. She lovingly pre-prepares elegant yet simple vegan meals. She is a talented professional artist, illustrator and photographer, and also has a career teaching Middle Eastern dance which she studied in Egypt among other lands. We got up before dawn for this photo shoot, to catch the sunrise. I wasn't so sure about dressing up to be a mermaid, but with Najia's coaching and photographic skills,  I relaxed, as she brought forth my "inner mermaid" (who knew? :-)  Holistic skin care, food and lifestyle, dance/body movement for health, meditation, opening to deeper levels of creativity, were part of the experience. Plus shopping and taking in the sites and sounds of beautiful Cape May.

Debra Lee from Ambler P.A

bellydance lessons

Learning to dance with Najia is an amazing experience -- she is exceptionally talented as well as warm and welcoming. She teaches you to understand and feel the music, and also breaks downs the various movements in ways that are easy to follow. The space, energy, and music are all beautiful. Taking classes with Najia is good for your body and soul.

Mary K. from Rose Valley, P.A. took bellydance for many years in Media ,PA she is also an avid dog rescuer and foster parent .A cause that is close to her teacher's heart .


Thank you so much for spending time with me today - it's always so good for my soul!!   Najia you are a beautiful dancer and the most amazing dance teacher.  Your class isn't just a wonderful dance class - there is a whole additional layer of mind, body, and soul focus that I  get from taking class with you, which you cannot get anywhere else. You are really unique. Your radiate so much light and we all feel it. You  taught me not only how to  to dance but also to harness my own energy to make life better and more fulfilling. You have helped me so much  No matter how far away I move I will always be your student now that I can take private lessons with you online. 

Katina S. C ~Washington DC

Najia is such an artist and I am so happy to see these kinds of easy to follow belly dance lessons. I recommend her courses enthusiastically

Pamela Millar from Washington State 


Najia Arts is the living embodiment of a goddess--inspirational, divine, insightful, gracious, and quietly powerful. That she shares these gifts is the ultimate act of love.

Stephanie Browning from Rose Valley PA  started bellydancing with Najia in Ardmore and Media PA . She now studies dance on Zoom and is a member of Najia's dance troupe called "The Dancing Oracle" 


"If you haven't heard of Najia Arts, she is a world-class spiritual belly dancer, photographer, and Vegan culinary artist based out of Philadelphia. I danced under her tutelage 6 years ago-- but she is a singularly unforgettable human being. So, when Najia invited me to a Weekend Retreat in Cape May to 'Manifest my Inner Mermaid', I immediately said, "Yes!

The truth is, you cannot put a price on Najia's insight and expertise. She has led a colorful life driven by artistic conviction, and she carries herself with a hard-earned balance of approachability and grace.

It's not necessary to have ANY prior belly dance experience to reap the benefits-- while Najia draws from decades of professional repertoire, her every movement is infused with a raw energy that everyone present can FEEL, but no other choreographer can duplicate, much less teach. Najia shares a little bit of her Light with all her students, leading by passionate example and encouragement for every body at every skill level. She teaches techniques that speak to the soul, root us in our shared femininity, AND, open the heart to possibilities of the wide world BEYOND bellydancing.


. ~ Lola,  formerly studied with Najia in Media, PA now resides in   Maryland.....more insights 


"Najia is the most qualified bellydance teacher in the Philadelphia area. She has trained numerous professional dancers who now work here and her authentic style is reflected in her students. We are happy to have her represent our Arabic culture and show people the true dance and correct way.",

~ Suleiyman owner Casablanca Moroccan Restaurant in Philadelphia, PA

"  Najia , I since I opened my place I  have waited for 18 years to have a dancer as good as you!" You are the best."

~ Ryad owner Casablanca Restaurant New Castle, D. E.

Media, Drexel Hill, Havertown, Phila PA & Cape May NJ 

(484) 632 * 0724/ mobile

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